Are you a first-time parent or a new mom stuck in the dilemma of picking the right choice between the Haakaa and electric pumps? Don’t worry, you’re not alone.
While they both serve as breast pumps for exclusive or inclusive breastfeeding, there is a mighty difference between these two in-demand breast pumps.
On one end, the Haakaa breast pump is suitable for mothers who want to collect milk for storage while the Electric pumps are more suitable for mothers who want to multitask while breastfeeding.
However, here is our detailed review of Haakaa versus Electric breast pump. No doubt, this would guide you in making your selection between the two breast pumps, and according to your lifestyle.
Let’s get started.
Haakaa Vs Electric Pump: A Detailed Review!

Old moms, new moms, celebrities, and lactation experts, everyone has something good to say about the super-powers of the Haakaa breast pump.
Made from 100% harmless silicon material, the Haakaa breast pump is a hands-free, lightweight and portable pump every mother should have in her breastfeeding collections.
The Haakaa breast pump uses the power of its natural suction to gently express milk from your nipples. For the best experience, all you need to do is place the latch on your nipple and watch the magic unfold.
It doesn’t need electricity to run, it was designed to be operated manually and doesn’t require too much for you to set up. Thanks to its user-friendly and smooth design, you won’t find cleaning inside-out difficult.
Besides, you don’t have to worry about the pump flanges fitting you perfectly. Unlike other manual breast pumps out there, the flanges of the Haakaa pump has been designed to fit all kind of breast shapes and sizes. Thanks to the flange’s buttery-soft silicon material, it sits snugly on your nipple like a second skin.
Haakaa breast Pump & Its All-round Use
Haakaa, an award-winning breast pump is setting the pace for other manual breast pumps in its category. It is famed for its gentle milk expression mode which stimulates your biological let-down reflex, enabling you to produce more milk per pumping session.
Other Mouth-watering features to watch out for includes;
- Collecting and stashing milk for your baby in day-cares and nursery schools
- Best for lateral feeding-that is feeding your baby on one breast and pumping on the other
- For inclusive and exclusive breastfeeding
- Collection of leaking milk
- Helpful when you are about to wean your baby off the breast
- Expressing colostrum faster than any electric pump.
- Getting rid of blocked ducts in the nipple
- Hands-free milk expression, since it comes in the right shape and size
- Useful for Outdoor adventures like Camping and travelling
Benefits of Making Use of the Haakaa Breast Pump
1.Silent and Very Discreet: Compared to other manual breast pumps in the market, Haakaa guarantees a silent pumping session
2. Comfortable: You don’t have to wince in pain with this breast pump. It offers a unique and natural breast stimulation method that provides the utmost comfort and leaves you in no pain.
3. Toxic chemicals free: It is BPA-free, PVC-Free, Lead-free and Phthalate-free. You can rest assured that Haakaa does not in any way compromise the health of your baby.
4. To help sore nipples heal quickly: During teething, Haakaa provides an alternative to direct breastfeeding, while your sore nipple heals
5. User-friendly design: Haakaa breast pump can be set up and put to use in a very quick and easy approach.

Like their name suggests Electric pumps are operated when you plug them into electric outlet.
Electric pumps are designed in models that allow for single or double pumping. While the single-breast model allows you to focus on one breast per pumping session, electric double pumps allow you to stimulate milk from both breasts simultaneously.
It automatically starts pumping when you attach the suction cup to your breast. All you need to do is sit back, relax and watch your milk being expressed into a collecting cup or storage bag. In our honest opinion, the electric pump is the best option to go for if you’re a working mom or if you want to multitask while you pump.
A vast number of electric breast pumps out there are battery-operated & cordless, meaning you can carry them around with you as you go on about with your daily activities.
The most watering feature you should look forward to are electric pump models that come in smart-app-supported, meaning you can monitor the milk supply via your smartphone.
Electric breast Pumps are best for?
Electric breast pumps are essentials to get for breastfeeding mothers. They are best for;
- Working class mothers
- Mothers who engage in exclusive breastfeeding
- Mothers with Twins or Multiples
- Travelling, Camping and Adventures
- Increasing your breast milk stash
Benefits of Making Use of the Electric Breast Pump

- An increased amount of milk supply per pumping session: Thanks to its highly-powered technology, you are guaranteed to get the most milk supply per pumping session
- Smart-app supported: You can now monitor and check the volume of your milk supply via your smartphone, which is IOS and Android inclusive.
- Completely hands-free: It works automatically without you getting your hands involved in pumping sessions.
- It feels like the natural movement of your baby’s mouth while suckling: You can now relax in comfort and watch your body respond to the mimicked suckling movement of the pump’s flanges.
- You can express milk from both breasts simultaneously: With the double-breast electric pumps, you can watch the magic unfold from both breasts.
- Fast and easy to use without compromising performance: The electric breast pump works very fast and is very easy to use without the need to assemble or dismantle it after each pumping session.
- Lesser mess/ Spillage: With the electric breast pump, very little or no mess is created while pumping. The milk is expressed into a collecting cup or storage bag for your convenience.
Hakaa Vs Electric Pumps: Differences to Watch out For
Although they are both breast pumps with their unique abilities and features, there are some glaring differences too. Here are some of those differences worth taking a look at before you make a purchase of either of them.
- Cost: It’s no longer a secret that Electric Breast Pumps cost more than Haakaa. And there’s a good reason for that if you consider its performance, design and major build-up. However, that doesn’t mean the Haakaa isn’t effective too. For mothers who are tight on budget, Haakaa is a good option to cut back costs while promising a good performance.
- Suction: Haakaa features a gentle vacuum-like flanges that stimulates and expresses milk from your nipple. On the other hand, Electric pumps express milk from the breast by applying pressure on your nipple. More impressively, some electric pump models can be used to express milk from both breasts simultaneously. Regarding suction, Haakaa’s vacuum-like flanges provide a stronger suction compared to Electric pumps
- Size/ Weight: Haaka is much smaller and lightweight compared to your average electric pump. The good news is that you don’t need to assemble or dismantle both pumps before usage.
- Power Source: Haakaa doesn’t rely on electricity to perform and can be taken along to remote areas without a power supply. On the flip side, most electric pumps run on batteries and would need electricity to be powered.
- Privacy/ Convenience: When it comes to convenience, Haakaa comes with the complete package of a breast shield, thereby providing privacy. On the flip side, you need may need to purchase a breast shield separately, if you go for the option of an electric pump.
- Sound: They both work quietly so no one has to know when you do your business
- Performance: Haakaa is a silicone breast pump that needs to be operated manually to perform. Besides, Haakaa isn’t smart-app-supported, so you’re constrained to keep on checking the collecting bottles till it gets full. On the other hand, an electric pump gives you the privilege of getting with other things while you pump. After all, you can always monitor through your smartphone
- Comfort: Manually-operated breast pumps like Haakaa are not advised to be used for a long period of time. They kind of make your nipples sore over prolonged use. However, electric pumps are different, you can wear them as long as you want without any side effects.
Haakaa Vs Electric Pumps: Purchasing Tips to Know
- Make Adequate Research online before making a Purchase. Ask questions online, ask relatives, and visit hospital maternity centres. All in all, make sure you’re getting the best deal out of what you’re paying for. You could also consult an ILCA lactation specialist for guidance
- Avoid thrift-purchase if you are not too sure of what you’re up for. While some mothers may decide to go the thrift way, remember, you don’t really know who made use of the pump last. To be on the safer side, save up and purchase your product brand new.
- Go for Products with no BPA. Bisphenol A is a harmful synthetic compound that could cause hormonal dysfunction in your little baby. You definitely don’t want to compromise your baby’s health Always make sure storage bags and cups are rid of BPA
- Ensure the seal of your breast pump is not broken, especially the storage bags and cups.
Haakaa Vs Electric Pumps: Our Verdict!
After careful research and review of both products,
We’ve come to the honest conclusion that both options are very useful and unique in their performance and efficiency.
Haakaa breast Pump is a very good choice for stay-home moms. It helps in lateral feeding whereby you nurse your baby on one side of the breast and pump on the other. Besides, it can help you in increasing the stash of your milk supply. In essence, Haakaa offers mothers the utmost comfort and convenience in use.
Electric breast pumps on the other hand are very useful for mothers who are constantly on the move. It allows you to multitask, is very fast to use, and ensures you get the most milk supply from each pumping session. It is totally hands-free and very hygienic for mothers who are concerned about creating a mess.
However, the choice is left to you on deciding the best option that suits your lifestyle.