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5 Best Pacifiers for Tongue-Tied Babies (Comfort Totally Guaranteed!)

Searching for the Best Pacifiers for your Tongue-tied baby? Your answers lies here!
Best Pacifiers for Tongue-tied Babies

Getting the Best Pacifiers for Tongue tied Babies may seem too much of a problem for new moms.

The controlled movement of the tongue coupled with the high position of the palate may cause issues with suckling. However, we’ve saved you the stress of searching for the right Best Pacifier for your Tongue-tied Baby.

After much research and asking around, we present to you The Chicco Physio-form 100% soft silicone one-piece pacifier. The absolutely the Best choice to get for your baby. It comes with a lateral curved nipple design that helps to distribute your baby’s tongue pressure against the palate.

Now, you can start to enjoy the numerous benefits attached to owning one or two of these Pacifiers. Thankfully, you do not have to break the bank too!

But the juiciest part is how getting the Best pacifiers for your tongue-tied baby prevents him from been at risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Without wasting much time, let’s get to the heart of the matter.

Categories Of Best Pacifiers for Tongue Tied Babies

Various categories of Pacifiers exist in the market nowadays, However, here are the most common options you should look forward to

  1. Orthodontic baby pacifiers: These are the perfect choice of pacifiers best suited for tongue-tied babies. The nipples are more-rounded at the tip and narrower at the base to support oral development.
  2. One-piece baby Pacifiers: These are pacifiers moulded into one single entity. They are made from materials such as latex, rubber or silicon.
  3. Multiple-piece baby Pacifiers: Unlike the single piece, the multiple pieces can be detached into various entities such as the nipple, guard and ring. Each entity  is produced separately before being merged to form one conventional pacifier. The good part is, they are quite easy to clean out.
  4. Latex baby Pacifiers: These sorts of pacifiers come in super-soft. However, the downside, is toddlers are at risk of choking if they end up biting off the Pacifier’s nipples.
  5. Silicon Pacifiers: These are safer, durable and easily gotten from supermarkets. We advise our readers to always go for silicon options when making purchases of a pacifier.
  6. Round-tip baby Pacifiers: These are the most common forms found around. They are designed to mimic the shape of a mother’s nipple. This choice is more preferable for breastfed babies.

An Overview of the Best Pacifiers for Tongue tied babies

Name of ProductPhilip Avent soothie Snuggle Pacifier
Mam Pacifier with Mam Pacifier ClipTomee Tippee closer to nature night time PacifierChicco Physioform 100% soft silicone one-piece pacifier
(Top pick!)
Nuk sensitive orthodontic pacifier
Suitable ages0-3 months & 6-12 months0-6 months0-6 months0-6 months0-6 months
DesignSoothie-snuggleNipple-shapedSymmetrical Nipple shapedLateral nipple-shapedNipple-shaped
BPA freeYesYesYesYesYes

Products Mini-Reviews

1. Philip Avent soothie Snuggle Pacifier

Philip Avent Soothie Snuggle Pacifier

Our Ratings

Without any doubt, Philip Avent Soothie Snuggle Pacifier, is the Best Pacifier for your Tongue-tied Baby .

Made from 100% super-soft silicon material, this toy-cum-pacifier is the best deal. 

The Pacifier features a plush and lightweight toy elephant your baby can snuggle on while he suckles, relieving you of the constant need to hold him.

When not in use, the plush toy helps secures the pacifier safely.  The stuffed elephant also has an additional attachment point for pacifiers with ring handles. 

You don’t have to struggle to wash and clean, the Pacifier can easily be detached from the toy and thrown into your dishwasher or boiling water. The plush toy is conducive to machine washing. 

Thankfully, Philip Avent Soothie Snuggle Pacifier is completely free from chemicals that could harm your baby.

Pros Cons
The plush toy provides additional comfort to babyThe pacifier slips from the grip of the toy way too easily
Fast and easy to clean

2. Mam Orthondic Pacifier with Mam Pacifier Clip

Mam Orthondonic Pacifier with Mam Clip

Our Ratings

Mam orthodontic Pacifier with Mam Pacifier Clip is a super-cute pacifier your tongue-tied baby won’t have any problem latching onto.

Made from 100% BPA- free Silicon materials, this symmetrical nipple-shaped pacifier not only guarantees your baby’s health but fits perfectly in their mouth.

The curved shield and wide opening at the end of the pacifier are specially designed to conform to your baby’s sensitive skin, in spite of prolonged use.

The pacifier clips help to keep the pacifier from dirt and contamination when not in use.  

Here is the good news. The plastic clips can also be used with other brand pacifiers, with the plastic sliding lock providing more safety, than sharp metal locks.

Pros Cons
The shield design is compatible with your baby’s sensitive skinDipping the plastic clips inside boiling water for sterilization may cause the plastic to melt.
Plastic clip provides safety and hygiene 
Perfectly designed to fit inside baby’s mouth

3. Tomee Tippee closer to nature night time Pacifier

Tomee Tippee Closer to Nature Night-time Pacifier

Our Ratings

Does your baby fuss a lot at night rather than sleeping? Do you need the best pacifier for your tongue-tied angel to suckle on while sleeping? 

Tomee Tippee’s closer to nature night-time Pacifier perfectly fits into this category. The pacifier takes up the shape of a symmetrical nipple which ideally fits into your baby’s mouth, providing enough support for oral development.

The pacifier for tongue-tied babies is made from 100% medically-graded silicon material with no inclusion of BPA.

In fact, the nipples are soft to the touch, long-lasting and highly resistant to stains and odours. What’s more? The slightly-curved shield allows for the perfect fit between your baby’s nose and chin while the large holes allow for air ventilation, reducing the risk of rashes and moisture build-up

For us, the icing on the cake has to be the bright, colourful and playful design best for mental stimulation in your baby.

The Pacifier is tested, trusted and generally accepted by many mothers all over. Believe us, you won’t regret buying this.

Symmetrical nipple shape which supports oral developmentLimited colour varieties
Absence of BPA

4. Chicco Physioform 100% soft silicone one-piece pacifier

Chicco Physioform soft silicone One-Piece Pacifier

Our Ratings

Searching for the best Pacifiers for your tongue-tie baby, this is another combination worth having.

Chicco Physioform 100% soft silicone one-piece pacifier provides all the best features suitable for your tongue-tied baby. Its lateral curved nipple design helps to distribute your baby’s tongue pressure against the palate. The tiny ridges of this pacifier help to correct not just your baby’s upper and bottom jaw, but his tongue movement as well.

Made from 100% Silicone material with no addition of BPA or latex, you rest assured that your baby’s health is not in any way compromised. Its narrow base ensures lip closure at the bridge of the pacifier.

The crowning feature for us would be the functional shield design comprising four air holes that allows for proper ventilation and prevention of saliva build-up. This is the absolute best pacifier on our list today!

Pros Cons
The narrow base for lip closurePlain-look
Comes with features that support your Child’s oral development

5. Nuk-sensitive orthodontic pacifier

Nuk Sensitive orthodontic Pacifiers

Our Ratings

Nuk-sensitive orthodontic pacifier holds a commendable 60-year record of being one of the best pacifiers recommended by paediatric dentists for tongue-tied babies. This pacifier takes up a nipple-shaped design intended to fit your baby’s mouth without falling off.

Impressively, the heart-shaped shield design snugly sits under your baby’s nose for easy breathing. What’s more? It is made to be compatible with your baby’s sensitive skin, in spite of prolonged use.

Cleaning is super easy and fast. Drop into your dishwasher and watch the magic unfold. This Pacifier can also serve you as the Best Pacifier for your Breast-fed Baby

NUK pacifiers are made from 100% silicone materials and have the absence of BPA.

Pros Cons
Contains features that support oral developmentVery Plain looking
Heart-shaped shield for easy breathing

Best Guide in choosing the Best pacifiers for tongue-tied babies

Best Pacifiers for Tongue-tied Babies
  1. Baby pacifier/ nipple must be rid of substances which might be toxic to your baby’s development. Always ensure pacifiers do not contain such as BPA, PVC, etc
  2. Pacifiers must have ventilation holes that allow the passage of air, likewise eliminating moisture build-up
  3. Go for orthodontic choices that perfectly fit into your baby’s mouth.
  4. Your baby pacifier must be suitable for your dishwasher.
  5. Pacifiers should come with shield or clips that reduces the risk of swallowing in babies
  6. Pacifiers must be suitable for your baby’s age and weight.

Importance of the Best Pacifiers for Tongue-tied Babies

  1. Serves as a good Means of Distraction

Do you have an important meeting to attend? Or do you need to keep your little one down for a moment while you get that task done? A pacifier provides the right amount of distraction for your little one. Get pacifiers in bright, colourful and fun designs and watch your baby get down to business, without minding if you’re there or not

  1. Helps to calm a Fussy baby

A Pacifier may come in handy when you need to calm your fussy baby. This encourages self-soothing in your baby, without the need to raise a finger.

  1. Reduce the Risk of Sudden Infant death Syndrome

 Paediatricians have discovered that giving your tongue-tied baby a pacifier before going to bed reduces the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome by 50%.

  1. Perfect for Babies With Active suckling reflexes

A baby pacifier is a perfect essential to give babies with active suckling reflexes. Even after being fed, babies with active suckling reflexes would need a pacifier to satisfy them.

  1. Mental Stimulation

Colourful and fun-shaped pacifiers facilitate mental stimulation, helping babies to identify colours and shapes very quickly. 

Best Tips on taking care of your baby pacifiers

  1. Frequently sterilize your baby’s pacifier to eliminate the buildup of bacteria
  2. On no condition should you place your baby’s pacifier into your mouth. In doing so, you could pass dangerous infections and diseases to them. Remember, their immune system is not as strong as yours.
  3. Wash the Pacifier with gentle soap and rinse thoroughly before using.
  4. Get a variety of orthodontic baby pacifiers in different colours and shapes.
  5. Get rid of pacifiers with obvious defects. You don’t want them posing a threat to your baby.
  6. Never tie a pacifier to your baby’s neck. This could result in choking and death
  7. Make sure you go for pacifiers with a one-piece design. It makes taking care of it incredibly easy.
  8. Choose Pacifiers with closed rather than open bases
  9. Always air-dry the pacifier after washing
Best Pacifiers for Tongue-tied Babies: Our Best Bet!

Ankyloglossia, better known as tongue-tie syndrome is a condition present from birth, that hinders the movement of the tongue in babies. This condition restrains the bottom of the tongue to the floor of the mouth, thereby interfering with suckling.

As a result, finding the best pacifier may seem to be a more herculean task for mothers. Nevertheless, we have compiled a comprehensive list of pacifiers for babies that falls under this condition.

For us, our best pacifier choice for tongue ties babies is Chicco Physioform 100% soft silicone one-piece pacifier because it provides all the best features suitable for your tongue-tied baby.

Its lateral curved nipple design helps to distribute your baby’s tongue pressure against the palate. And the best part would be its support for oral development in tongue-tied babies.

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